Change the backups folder for iPhone, iPad or iPod

change apple backups folder
If you made backups iPhone, iPad or iPod with your Pc or Mac, I guess that you are too suffered from your internal hard disk is not enough for all backups. Last a few days ago, i try how i can back up my phone to the external hard disk. In this post, i explain how can you do this.

Firstly, if you made already backup, we should start transfer this backup. Your previously backup is already in this folder "C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\". (Note: "username" is your account name for your computer)

I suggest that you transfer your back up folder completely to your external hard drive. After this transferring, we must delete "Backup" folder, which in "MobileSync".

Now we start the "Command Prompt" to specify the new folder of the backups. To find the "Command Prompt" you can click the search button and write only "cmd" or you can find in "Accessories" in "All Programs".

In opening black page was written now "C:\Users\(username)\", we can do this changing folder operation, but i prefer the main folder area. To reach the main folder area, we must write "cd.." 2 times separately.

In this area we must write this completely;

 mklink /J "C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" "D:\Backup"

It is an important thing is that (username) is your account name, the other is that what is your external hard disk name. For example my external hard disk name is started with "G:/". You can check this name in your "Computer" folder.

After this operation all backups will made on your external hard disk, in addition a shortcut will be in old folder in your computer and you can see how many gb or mb is your backups in this shortcut properties. Please don't think this operation is failed, this is only a shortcut. This backups will not take up any space in your internal hard disk.

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